Nödproviantsats (Emergency ration kit) M0851-005010

(My collection)
Approx 107×78×35 mm. The tin is only painted on the front. The content is listed on the front.
1 chocolate bar
6 caramels
8 toffees
10 salt tablets
9 sugar cubes
3 chewing gums
skin ointment plastic tube
fishing tools needle
steel wire thread
copper wire wire saw
plastic bag
The ration above is stamped 30 May 1962, which is the date of manufacture. This ration was probably made between the early 60's to the early 70's
Similar ration tins:

Same ration manufactured in June 1971 (My collection)
Nödproviantsats (Emergency ration) M0851-004010

(Private collection)
Approx 107×78×22 mm
. The tin is only painted on the front. The content is listed on the front.
1 chocolate bar
8 caramels
2 toffees
1 matchbox
Plastic bag
This ration was similar with the Nödlivsm fl pers/s M0827-501000. The only difference is the name and the m-number (storage number). This ration was probably made during the 60's and the Nödlivsm fl pers/s M0827-501000 during the 70's.
Similar ration tins:

(Private collection)

(Private collection)

(Private collection)

(Private collection)